
The Address Risk API provides a comprehensive analysis of risk associated with Ethereum addresses. It is designed to identify various risk factors, including connections to known hackers, mixers, or other flagged entities.

Base URL


Endpoint: /risk/{chain}/{address}

This endpoint retrieves risk information for a specified address.

Response Format

The response is a JSON object containing several fields that describe the risk associated with the Ethereum address. Key components include:

Sample Response


  "fund_flow": {
    "accounts": {
      "0x0a5984f86200415894821bfefc1c1de036dbf9e7": {
        "additional_labels": { ... },
        "address": "0x0a5984f86200415894821bfefc1c1de036dbf9e7",
        "label": "Poloniex Exchange Exploiter",
        "risk_score": 100,
        "type": "eoa"
    "flows": [ ... ],
    "label": "Poloniex Hacker 4",
  "fund_flow_risk": { ... },
  "risk": { ... }

Endpoint: /tokensecurity/{address}

This endpoint provides Solana token risk.